Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Arts, the Spirit of the Lord, Van Gogh and YOU

The Sower, 1888
“It is a mistake," said Boyd K. Packer, "to assume that one can follow the ways of the world and then somehow, in a moment of intruded inspiration, compose a great anthem of the Restoration, or in a moment of singular inspiration paint the great painting. When it is done, it will be done by one who has yearned and tried and longed fervently to do it, not by one who has condescended to do it. It will take quite as much preparation and work as any masterpiece, and a different kind of inspiration.

There is a test you might apply if you are among the gifted. Ask yourself this question: When I am free to do what I really want to do, what will it be?”

You know and know of many hard working individuals in history who have made a huge impact on our lives through their hard work, like Abraham Lincoln, Gladys Alyward, George Washington and even Vincent Van Gogh. 
The Good Samaritan, 1890

Van Gogh painted 1,000 paintings in 10 years! He put all of his effort into all of his endeavours. Not any of them gained recognition while he was alive. When he wanted to be a minister, he failed to "fit in," and was dismissed from his position for living a much too pious life. After he was dismissed, he wanted to continue to serve the Lord, so he put his genius to work. He worked extremely hard and poured out his love of the Lord through his paintings. Above, to the right and below are some of his religious paintings that are rarely shown. The ones you may be familiar with are a continuation of his ode to the humble and the beautiful things of this earth and sky. 

I hope what you take away from this weeks inspirements is that we have talents (no matter what they are) that can and should serve the Lord. We are expected to grow our talents, find what the Lord needs of us with our talents and glorify God with them.  (see the Parable of Talents.)


1. Read pdf or listen to (both the same talk):

                    To Listen on computer:  Go to
        OR        then, copy the link below and copy and paste it.

b. To Read:    The Arts and the Spirit of the Lord, by Boyd K. Packer (BYU Speech)

**This talk really gave meaning to me many years ago! I have read it almost every year at least the past 8 years, it reminds me (among other things) that WE create our culture, people who create uplifting art/literature/etc... are imperative to the culture I dream of having.**

2.  With an interest/talent/genius that you currently have, how could YOU serve the Lord with it? Share with us your ideas.

3. Watch YouTube Video: Van Gogh in his own words. 

Keep going down past pictures...inspirements below....

The Raising of Lazarus, 1890

Van Gogh, Pieta 1889
The Sheaf Binder, 1889
Choose to do 1 or more of the following:

1. Some express themselves with song, painting, wood working, writing, photography, speaking,  etc…, create an expression of your love and/or gratitude of the beautiful world around you or blessings you have received? 

2. Choose your favorite Van Gogh painting, why do you like it? Share with us your favorite painting of his and why? (Deeper than just the colors please, although the colors are really fun!))

3. Since 1976 MANY new songs have been written, paintings have been painted, poetry has been written, etc… Share with us a song, painting, speech, poem, etc... that has inspired and uplifted you, that has been created within the past 40 years.

4. Research and share you findings about a leader that has worked very hard to share their love of our Lord and/or Gospel through their own genius.

Outside optional: There is a Dr. Who episode with Van Gogh, it oddly enough involves an alien. However, it is kinda fun: 
Free with Amazon Prime membership:

or for $1.99 at the BBC store

We will have Vanguard at the Hanks home on Tuesday, Jan. 27th. See you then!

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