Wednesday, January 14, 2015

For January 20th

1.)Read this talk “Be Anxiously Engaged,” by Russell M. Ballard:
3.)Recently, I was speaking with my dad's mother on the phone, discussing how things have changed in her lifetime. She was born before radio reached her neck of the woods. There were only a wood-based and a milk-based plastic invented, with very limited application, mostly film and jewelry. Now we email her and see her on Facebook and chat comfortably while hundreds of miles apart.
*Here's the neat inspirement for everyone to do: Pick a parent, grand-parent, or great-grandparent. Make a timeline using his or her birth and death date, or to the present if he or she is still alive. Mark when major inventions, and interesting ones, were created during their lifetime. Here is one good resource:

*Pick one invention to theoretically “remove” from the timeline and speculate what effect that change would have on our lives. 

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