An artist and a family man. Carl Bloch is beloved by Christ loving people everywhere. Particularly, the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. His name has lived on particularly because of his paintings of Christ’s life. As you do your required readings, you will get to know the artist, his life and his career of art. We however, will concentrate on the Christ paintings.
Please note that his paintings have a very tender feeling as he portrays Christ. As though Bloch felt it himself. Look at how sad the mourners truly are and how tenderly they wrap Christ up. (See painting on the right.) This painting was painted right after Bloch's wonderful wife passed away. He felt these very same emotions at that time in his life. It is amazing how Bloch was able to capture their emotions and gestures…with paint!
Please note that his paintings have a very tender feeling as he portrays Christ. As though Bloch felt it himself. Look at how sad the mourners truly are and how tenderly they wrap Christ up. (See painting on the right.) This painting was painted right after Bloch's wonderful wife passed away. He felt these very same emotions at that time in his life. It is amazing how Bloch was able to capture their emotions and gestures…with paint!
As you see Christ serving, teaching and suffering, consider justice as a rule and mercy that our Savior provides.
You probably have some of Carl Bloch’s paintings in your home. Do you have the Gospel Art Kit? Then they are pictures: 200 , 217, 222, 224, 225, 229, 231
Be sure to note the last BONUS activity (hint: field trip) at the bottom of this post. **
Do all 5 of the following:
Read this article: The Life of Christ: Painted by Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834–90) - Ensign Jan. 1991 - ensign
This will introduce you to the Life of Carl Bloch and it will also introduce you to some of the paintings.
2. This link in the danish language below is to view the castle from above where Carl Bloch’s Christ paintings are:
3. See the panorama of Christ paintings IN the actual Kings Oratory (Kings Prayer Room) at this link:
4. This is the Sacred Gifts Intro Film to watch. It is 7 1/2 minutes.
5. Read this scripture (Alma 42: 1 - 25) Consider the Natural Law of justice and how Christ has met the demands of justice for all mankind.
Do at least 1 of these assignments below
to present to class:
1. Hans Christian Anderson (do you recognize his name?!) and Carl Bloch were good friends. They wrote each other often. During Carl Bloch’s last years, he was grief stricken after his wife died. In a final ode, from a famous author to a famous artist, Han Christian Anderson said “Write on your canvas; write your seal on immortality. Then you will become noble here on earth.”
Assignment: So, at this point in your life, WHAT would you like to write on your canvas, so to speak? How could you go about that?
2. Read this scripture (Alma 42: 1 - 25) (you already read it in the required reading), put it in your own words and relate it to Natural Law. (there is a hint in the introduction of this post)
Assignment: You can put it in your own words in poetry, essay, paragraph, word art, collage, drawing, image, etc…
3. The artist Carl Bloch worked in many mediums. He painted with oils, charcoal, he etched and he engraved. He mostly did scenes of people or a story with people in it. He did many religious scenes from the stories in the New Testament. He also painted families and portraits.
Assignment: Think of a story, could be a Hans Christian Anderson story even. Decide on a medium (pencil, paint, carve, colored pencil, etc…), arrange the characters, the scenery and the accessories to make sense and to please the eye. Be sure to have some dark areas and some light areas. See Bloch’s paintings to be able to see the contrast of the dark and light.
4. Carl Bloch was commissioned to paint 23 paintings for the kings oratory (prayer room) at the Friederiksborg Castle. Take a look at some of those paintings if you haven’t already. The king wanted and asked for those paintings of Christ’s life to surround him.
Assignment: Really give some thought to what YOU choose to surround yourself with. Write or draw some ways you can improve your surroundings. (examples: Paintings, posters, binders, cell phone content, magazines you may own…) Act on it; feel the difference! Report what you have done to enhance your environment.
5. Assignment: Read this article and tell us what you gained from it.
6. Would you like to see more of Carl Bloch’s paintings and etchings? You can, there are over 122 paintings and etchings right here in Salt Lake City and Park City Gallery!!
If you have time, go visit! Let us know what impressions you had or what had or had not impressed you.
Here are the addresses and phone numbers:
Web address:
Salt Lake City Gallery
151 South Main Street
Salt Lake city, UT 84111
Park City Gallery
268 Main Street
Park City, UT 84060
1. For those of you with an iPad 2 or newer:
You can download the following app; this is the app they used on the iPads at the BYU museum when they had Bloch's works on display.
Sacred Gifts: Brigham Young University Museum of Art (this takes you to the itunes store)
**2. After Vanguard on Tuesday, Sept. 30th, for those families who would like to go to the Salt Lake City Hope Gallery, we will be leaving directly from Vanguard. We will pick up some food along the way or you of course can bring a lunch and we will meet you there. There is no charge because it is an actual gallery. Parents please hold your little ones’ hands. They will be closing the doors for us and giving us a personal tour.**
Also, we will be meeting at The Tingey's home. Their address is 953 E 2675 N, North Ogden
Also, we will be meeting at The Tingey's home. Their address is 953 E 2675 N, North Ogden
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