Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Twas the Night before Vanguard and all through the house ...

WARNING!  There is A LOT of cool, thought provoking, I want to know more about that kinda of stuff, stuff.  So turn on the Christmas music and lets get in the spirit of Christmas!

Twas the Night before Vangaurd and all through the house
The children were studying as quiet as a mouse

Their folders were packed with  inspirements real tight
With past Christmas' and traditions, oh, what a sight......

Christmas is so rich with traditions! Where did these traditions come from?

Read the story of Handel.  How does his life relate to Steadfast and ....
How does his life influence you?

Here are some wonderful videos you can watch about the birth of the Savior.

We would like all of you to come and share some of your favorite Christmas traditions that you do in your families. What are some ideas that your family have to make Christmas a Christ centered time of year?

Scroll down to see a few primary source   documents to study.  After looking them over, choose one or more of these inspirements to teach your classmates about the history of Christmas. (These are taken from the JackDaw study of Christmas traditions)

Finally,  travel to Europe through Christmas traditions. Do you have family ties to a country in Europe? How did they celebrate Christmas? Choose one or more inspirements from the Geography section and teach us what Christmas was like for your ancestors. 


1. In recent years, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that city governments could not sponsor nativity scenes during the holiday season. The court concluded that this practice violated the First Amendment guarantee of the separation between church and state. Do you agree or disagree with the court's ruling?  Provide an argument for your position.

2. Exhibit 2 is a proclamation by Parliament in 1652 banning the celebration of Christmas. Puritans ruled England at this time. The Puritans in the american colonies also forbade the holiday. They argued that the festivities were unholy, sine Christmas had its roots in pagan winter celebrations. Do you think the Puritans were justified in banning the holiday? Was their argument sound? Or were there problems with their reasoning?

3. Christmas has elements of both pagan and Christian traditions. Review Broadsheet 2, "Is Christmas Christian? and the Christmas customs described in Broadsheets 3 and 4. Create a chart that categorizes the customs as either pagan or Christian. Divide a large sheet of paper in half. On the left side, list and briefly describe al the customs whose roots can be traced to pagan practices. On the right side, list and describe the customs which sprang from
christianity. Do  you think Christmas is mainly a Christian, or a pagan celebration? or is it a balanced mixture of both? Discuss these questions with your classmates.

4. Make the "kissing bough" shown in Broadsheet 5. Kissing under the mistletoe is an English tradition, but mistletoe was a very special plant to the Scandinavian peoples. Read about the death of Balder, a Scandinavian hero, in a book of Norse mythology. Hang your bough in the classroom, and tell your classmates the story of Balder. Explain why the Scandinavians saw the mistletoe as both helpful and harmful to humans.

Europe - What countries does it consist of?

1. Find a favorite Christmas carol and tell us its history. You can share it with us using any medium you like, art, music(your favorite version of the song),storytelling, food, video, etc.

The story of Silent Night-

2. Research Christmas traditions of Europe, there are so many to choose from. Bring anything you need to tell about or to demonstrate these traditions. You could bring items to show us, food traditions to share, traditional clothing, games etc.

Rick Steves videos on traditions in different countries in Europe. Here are a couple

3. How is Santa Clause celebrated in other countries? What does he look like? What is his role in the Christmas Holiday. You may find some very interesting things out. Come prepared to show us the differences.

4. You can listen to or read the Christmas Carol if you want or you could learn somethings about Charles Dickens and tell us about his life.

Audio of The Christmas Carol

5. Make a Nativity and bring it to show us.

1 comment:

  1. You should have received an email with the primary source documents.
